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Innocence and imagination

Today is New Year’s Day. It’s also my 7-year-old granddaughter’s birthday. For one so young, she exhibits a keen sense of imagination. A world beyond the real. And thankfully, she allows me to participate in her make-believe world. My favorite doll in her collection is the one I’ve named, Farrah Fawcett, because of her unruly mane. My GD has no clue who Farrah was, or cares to know. She just wants to role play with dolls, often slighting Farrah, just so she can see her/my reaction. And then, of course, my GD has her own vision of the Bogie Man. Together we’ve set traps for him, baited him with cookies and stews made from the finest dandelions, sticks, and stones we could find. And he’s come, leaving behind shady pictures and shoes as he fled. I’ve had my face painted, my nails done, decorated like a Christmas tree, and often become the “horse on the trampoline” as she rides off to school and places only she can imagine. Such innocence. Such imagination. Maybe it’s time we, as adults, return to our innocence, and imagine a world better than the one we created in 2020. Time will tell.

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